The Vinschgerbahn
By train into the bike land
A trip with the new train called Vinschgerbahn is recommended to our hotel guests.The leisurely train journey starts from Meran and brings you in direction Rechensee till Mals.
High-altitude euphoeria for bike fans
If you want to make your cycling holiday in Vinschgau even more ambitious, you can cycle up to Stilfserjoch with its 2,760 meters above sea level and nearly 1,900 meters difference in altitude; here there are 48 U-curves waiting for professional cyclists, this summit tour is a crowning experience. There are only a few other Alpine passes at this altitude which are accessible by bike!
If you want to make your cycling holiday in Vinschgau even more ambitious, you can cycle up to Stilfserjoch with its 2,760 meters above sea level and nearly 1,900 meters difference in altitude; here there are 48 U-curves waiting for professional cyclists, this summit tour is a crowning experience. There are only a few other Alpine passes at this altitude which are accessible by bike!
The track has seven stations, all carrying the flag ” Südtirol Rad”. You can get off at each station, where you prefer, rent a bike there and cycle back along the wonderful, well constructed cycle path to Meran. You can return the rent bike to the departure station. This beautiful Etsch cycle path begins at Rechensee and runs along the old Roman road Via Claudia Augusta. Mals, rich of Romanesque churches, the medieval Glurns, Schloss Kastell and Prokuluskirchlein in Naturns are just some of the many highlights on this idyllic route.